Reduce OTP and optimization your authentication using fazpass
One Time Password (OTP) is a major requirement to be able to reach users easily. the ease of validating account ownership that is relatively easy to be used by all age segments.
All access to the ease of use of OTP is very important because it is at the forefront of application users to be able to enjoy various features and services in an application. but OTP currently has various problems that are very annoying for application owners ranging from startups to unicorns. OTP fees such as SMS-OTP are quite expensive and put a heavy burden on the service provider's finances.
The simple solution that the service owner does is to add OTP services on various channels, starting from WhatsApp, Telegram, Email and OTP misscall. However, the variety of OTP channels creates new problems, because the integration process is diverse in each channel in one application.
The diversity of integration is due to prominent differences between channels, but also due to differences in integration between each channel service provider (aggregator/vendor).
OTP is a very fundamental thing in an application. if the OTP service provider is dead or down, then all users will not be able to enter the application. various new problems arise on the side of the application owner, ranging from relatively high costs due to limited choices and access to aggregators or service owners, the various needs of users in various channels that cause difficulties in the integration process.